Saturday, January 08, 2005

Getting away from the war...

Kouvola, train station.

I was walking back and forth outside the trains station, next to the mushroom-roof bus stop on to my right. It was a dark evening and it was snowing.

I kept glancing at the second floor windows of the station once in a while, in case I'd spot Miss R. there. I didn't see her but I did see my Swedish teacher running up and down some stairs, running and shouting some things to some person who was on the same ground level as I was, outside. She was wearing some extremely thick black-bowed glasses, a bright orange loose sweater. She also had some black trousers andher hair was light brown and it was open and very fuzzy.

Suddenly I heard a car stop behind me. I turned and I saw the girls' gymnastics teacher get out off the car and shout something at me and smile. Then she went back into the car and drove away. She was wearing some white/grey overalls.

I looked at the second floor windows few extra times; I knew there was some department store over there.

Then another car came and I hopped in, we drove away, fast. I had the thought that we were driving away from some upcoming war. Some person reminded me about television program about monkeys.

We had arrived in Helsinki, the capital city of Finland. It was dark, very dark. While we were driving along some bridge I spotted an island in a gulf on to my right. I knew it was the Korkeasaari zoo. I thought it belonged to Estonia so I asked my father how could the island be so close to Finland then. He answered.

We, me, my father and several other people, finally stopped somewhere to switch cars. Right after we got out of the car some plump woman rushed to the front seat of the car and listened to some radio reccording which, according to the digital screen, lasted for two hours and twenty minutes.

We went to the next car which was a lot older and lot smaller than the previous one. Some old man with some gray hat was driving. We continued our journey and sometimes we had to drive with one of the doors open because the car was so crammed full. At one point I had to stay outside of the car and hold on to some plank because I couldn't fit in.

We passed the same island again and I realized we weren't going anywhere...

Analysis: I can't tell you everything I know about recent happenings for the sakes personal relationship{s}, but let's say that this runaway would be required to clear my head.

The train station was looked a bit different than it really is... One tunnel through the building was missing. My Swedish teacher does not have glasses... wonder why my subconscious decided to put them on her. Nor does she have bright brown hair but black.

The Korkeasaari Zoo belongs to us Finns, dammit!


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